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Industrial Training Perfect Training

If you are a student that is enrolled in either a Computer Engineering, Bioinformatics, Software Engineering; or a concurrent double degree with one of the above mentioned degrees, then Industrial Training (IT) is an essential component to your degree. If you are enrolled in a Bachelor of Science Degree then IT does not apply...

If you are a student that is enrolled in either a Computer Engineering, Bioinformatics, Software Engineering; or a concurrent double degree with one of the above mentioned degrees, then Industrial Training (IT) is an essential component to your degree. If you are enrolled in a Bachelor of Science Degree then IT does not apply.
You are strongly advised to scan through the information that is on this site in order to understand your IT obligations.
It is important to note that engineering students will not be eligible to graduate without having successfully discharged their industrial training. As such, students are advised not to leave their IT until the end of their fourth year as this could potentially delay your graduation. Industrial training is a great opportunity for students to learn about the industry, to establish important contacts and most importantly, to seed the beginnings for a career in your chosen profession. Students get out of industrial training what they are willing to invest in the process. With a positive attitude IT can be a challenging and rewarding experience.

If you are looking for talented students to work on a special project; or you have a graduate program/internship; or you simply have one or several vacancies in your company that you want filled, then consider advertising your vacancies on our jobs page. Be part of a growing collection of companies who are helping to foster the next generation of Engineers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.